Owens Corning - DesignEYEQ

Use this tool by Owens Corning to create your own style!
Then contact us* to make it a reality!
Use the Owens Corning Design EyeQ if you want to see what your roof may look like before the project starts?
Or just want to try a few things to see how they look?
Owens Corning has developed a software tool that will allow you to do just that. You can upload a picture of your home or choose from a range of popular home styles.
If you have a gable roof choose a preloaded house with the same type gable roof or if you have a very common hip roof, choose a stock hip roof Owens Corning already has ready to go.
This is a fast and easy way to get an idea of what your new roof will look like.
Try out professionally designed palettes or create custom color combinations.
When you’re done you can print your design, show it off, or forward it to us at GT Roofs.
You can register with them to save your work or just use your zip code to get started.
If you feel you can push a little harder you can always upload a picture of your own home and let Owens Corning’s roof design tool work with your very own home.
This way take just a little more effort but this may be a once in a lifetime project getting a new roof.
The extra effort will always be worth it in the end.
Since this is such a rare event, getting a new roof to be sure to do all the reading and learn all you can about roofing products and warranties.
*Used the quote form so that you can upload your creation if needed. We do everything possible to make this as easy and stress free on our customers!